lunedì 9 novembre 2009
EICMA 2009
domenica 8 novembre 2009
Strade più sicure


i-Ciuffo is a road safety system composed by a series of poles (plastic pipes) with the double function to prevent accidents and reduce consequences for bikers in case of crash.
The “active part” of the system works thanks to sources of lights (led) in each pole. A stripe of orange light comes out from the top of the pole to inform bikers (and drivers) about dangerous situations.
This system allowed an instinctive and instantaneous perception of risk (for instance high speed, presence of other vehicles on the road, etc.)
In the other hand, in case of accident, the system is able to stop bickers from sliding on the street, without create strong impact on the human body. Poles are made to collapse before the energy of the impact will injure the bickers. In this way each pole can absorb the maximum energy according with body resistance.
By the fact that the kinetic energy of the bickers is, in most of the case, much more than what one pole can absorb, the system is design with multiple roles of poles, one close to the other, in order to increase the amount of energy absorbable.
The project is thought be a safety system for all the road users, with particular attention to bikers.
The prototype is realized by PCR.